Program Participants
Here is a partial list of the guests, speakers, and panelists who will be coming to Balticon in May.
Note: A complete list will be available via (Right now that site still has last year’s info.)
- D.H. Aire
- Ken Altabef
- Scott H. Andrews
- John Appel
- Kemi Ashing-Giwa (Compton Crook Winner, 2024)
- John Ashmead
- Sarah Avery
- Emad El-Din Aysha
- Luis Carlos Barragán
- Brick Barrientos
- Zack Be
- Jim Beall
- Smol Bean
- Dana Bell
- Joshua Bilmes
- AD Boorman
- Liz Bosarge
- Jen Brinn
- C.D. Brown
- Jana S. Brown
- Suzanne Buck
- Misha Bushyager
- Jack Campbell
- Tabitha Grace Challis
- Ann Chatham
- Carl Cipra
- Blue Clarice
- Doc Coleman
- Tyaz Cosplay
- Savvy Dragon Cosplay
- Elwin Cotman
- Erin Cowan
- Leah Cypess
- Erik Delfosse
- Jennifer Della’Zanna
- Tom Doherty
- Tavair Dominque
- Tom Doyle
- Alyss and Dusty
- Scott Edelman
- Gary Ehrlich
- Christiana Ellis
- Ruthanna Emrys
- Leonardo Espinoza Benavides
- Jen Finelli, MD
- Kevin Fischer
- Cherrie Fors
- Valerie Estelle Frankel
- John L. French
- Sydney C.V. Fryer
- Adam Gaffen
- Jessica Gallo
- Charles E. Gannon
- Carrie Gessner
- Carolyn Ives Gilman
- Salinee Goldenberg
- JL Gribble
- Jason Harris
- Bjorn E. Hasseler
- Lee Hawkridge
- Morgan Hazelwood
- Yakira Heistand
- Inge Heyer
- Larry Hodges
- Anastasia Holt
- Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., PhD
- Heidi Hooper
- Akua Lezli Hope
- hymie!
- Michelle Hymowitz
- Sara Itka
- Mario Itsumi
- Jayrod
- Alex Jennings (Compton Crook Winner, 2023)
- Micaiah Johnson (Compton Crook Winner, 2021)
- Stace Johnson
- A. L. Kaplan
- Dr. Karen
- David Keener
- Brandon Ketchum
- Daniel M. Kimmel
- Christiane Knight
- Beatrice Kondo
- Nicole Givens Kurtz
- Bill Lawhorn
- Tris Lawrence
- Emily Anne Lewis
- Evelyn Lewis
- Dr. Carey Lisse
- Tim Livengood
- Monica Louzon
- Andy Love
- Sam Lubell
- Perrianne Lurie
- Shahid Mahmud
- Maugorn
- Bill Mayhew
- Andrew McDowell
- Adeena Mignogna
- Jo Miles
- Jim Milke
- Timothy Miller, PhD
- Misha
- Miguel O. Mitchell, PhD
- L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
- Ellen Montgomery
- B. Sharise Moore
- Jessica Moran
- Mari Ness
- Ben Newman
- Emet North
- Sean O’Connell
- Bryant Keith O’Hara
- Chris Oakley
- Bob Oliver
- Neil Ottenstein
- Suzanne Palmer
- Patches
- Larry Paxton
- Sarah Pinsker
- Gillian Polack
- Ann Pollack
- Jennifer R. Povey
- Omar Rayyan
- Mark Redfield
- Reynaldo
- dave ring
- Madison “Metricula” Roberts
- William Joseph Roberts
- John Robison
- Kelly Robson
- Lezli Robyn
- Roberta Rogow
- Mark Roth-Whitroth
- Aaron M. Roth
- October K Santerelli
- Sam Scheiner
- Jamie Schoonover
- Ken Schrader
- Melissa Scott
- Alex Shvartsman
- Alan Smale
- Jay Smith
- K.C. Smith
- Wayland Smith
- Rosemary Claire Smith
- D.A. Xiaolin Spires
- Elaine Stiles
- Ian Randal Strock
- Syd
- Glitch Symphony
- Genevieve Tan
- Brie Tart
- Ronald Taylor
- JT Thomas
- Dr. Jim Thorne
- John Tilden
- D. H. Timpko
- Nathan W. Toronto
- Leigh Tyberg
- Michael R. Underwood
- Wendy Van Camp
- Mark L. Van Name
- Michael A. Ventrella
- Sabrina Vourvoulias
- Kris Vyas-Myall
- David Walton
- T. C. Weber
- Joan Wendland
- Sheila Williams
- James Williams
- Martin Wilsey
- Marisa Wolf
- L. Marie Wood
- Sherri Cook Woosley
- Alyssa Yeager